• Do YOU want to learn the skills required to build an online business from scratch like I did?
  • Do YOU want to build a business that could enable you to leave your 9-5 job like I did?
  • Have YOU already tried ways of making money online without success and need direction and focus?
  • Are YOU willing to invest in yourself and spend the time to learn new skills?
  • Do YOU understand that YOU will need to work hard and it will be up to YOUR own efforts to achieve YOUR desired results

Hi, I'm Mark Shiers

I quit my 9-to-5 to work full-time on build my own online business. After several failed attempts following bad advice on the internet, I decided to invest in myself and learned new skills that would provide me with essential business development and digital marketing skills I was lacking.

If YOU are looking to make money online, click on the 'Help Me Choose My Path' button above. There you will find the exact courses that turned things around for me, as well as my own FREE video tutorial on how YOU could set up your own online store selling digital products, even if you don't have any digital products yourself or don't have time to make them.

A bit about what I do, now that I am into this full-time...

I create and sell my own digital products and also purchase and sell digital products that come with Private Label Rights (PLR) and Master Resell Rights (MRR) so I don't have to produce everything myself. I am an affiliate for several companies and promote their products to earn commissions through affiliate marketing. I also have an online store where I sell my custom designed t-shirts which are printed on demand.

In addition to my main site, markshiers.com, I have several other websites (links below) that together make up my online business. Feel free to browse the sites to get an idea of what I do. I am always working on new stuff and have more plans for the future.

If you want to learn more about why I quit my job to do this full-time, you will find a bit more about my journey at the bottom of this page.

I hope you enjoy your visit.

My growing portfolio of websites...

Brewing up bold looks. My Print-on-Demand store selling T-Shirts

Monetise your influence: craft and sell YOUR own merch to your followers

Curated links to useful resources, tutorials, software, tools and inspiration to unleash your creativity and harness the full potential of graphics.

Guiding you to hope and optimism through inspiring words.

I am currently building my own online store which will eventually contain 100s of digital products with Private Label Rights (PLR) and Master Resell Rights (MRR) that you can purchase and then sell yourself.

A bit more about me....

So, what led me to want to start an online business?

I worked for over 25 years, primarily in education. I developed a number of skills throughout those years, including web design and development, e-learning course creation, producing graphics and videos for training purposes, as well as delivering in-house training to staff and teaching students

I love the creation and building process. Whether it's building a web page, creating e-learning resources, producing graphics or videos, I enjoy the process and the work involved in creating a finished piece of work that will help people.

I had never thought about applying my skills for my own purposes and had never considered building my own business before. It wasn't until something happened that forced me to re-think my future.

Due to a series of life changing events, all happening at once, I suddenly needed something that would enable me to work at home most of the time, so I could be near my family. This wasn't possible in my 9-to-5 job, so I took the difficult but necessary decision to go my own way and start my own online business.

It hasn't been easy. I failed a lot at the beginning because I followed poor advice from so-called 'Gurus' on the internet claiming you could make easy money with digital marketing. I needed direction, I needed to learn how to build an online business properly, and needed to learn digital marketing skills in order to move forward.

If you are reading this and have been thinking about getting started with digital products, digital marketing or affiliate marketing. I'm not goint to lie to you - YOU will have to put hard work in to get results. It won't be an overnight success. If you are serious about it, get started now and 'Choose Your Path'

Whatever your reason for starting your own online business, I am here to support you with the important skills you will need.

Mark Shiers

💪 My mission is to inspire and empower individuals on their entrepreneurial journey by sharing my own experiences of challenges, failures, and successes in building an online business.

🚀 My vision for the future is to become a trusted guide for entrepreneurs, transforming setbacks into success and leading the way to sustainable online business growth.